Our inheritance was left to us by no testament
12 Nov - 19 Dec 2020
A prelude to the gallery’s 12-month programme 'On Hannah Arendt', launching in January 2021, this exhibition looks to the preface of the political philosopher’s 1968 publication Between Past and Future, which opens with an aphorism by the French poet René Char: “Notre héritage n'est précédé d'aucun testament,” or as Arendt translates, "our inheritance was left to us by no testament."
Taking this quote as a point of departure, the group exhibition speaks to possibilities in art without testament, without tradition, situated and grown out of particular moments in history and the individual narrative of each exhibited artist. Featuring work by Alina SZAPOCZNIKOW, Barbara LEVITTOUX-ŚWIDERSKA, Renate BERTLMANN, Bela KOLAROVA, Jagoda BUIĆ, Jolanta OWIDZKA and Erna ROSENSTEIN, the exhibition includes a mixture of paintings, works on paper, tapestry, sculpture and mixed media assemblages from the 1960s to the 1980s.
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