Hettie Judah | Acts of Creation: On Art and Motherhood
Book launch & In-conversation with Sara Raza 7 Sep 2024doors open at 11am In-conversation starts at 12pm Join us to celebrate the US launch of writer and curator Hettie Judah 's new book, Acts...Read more -
Book Launch with Flavia Frigeri 5 Dec 2023THE EVENT STARTS AT 6PM. Join us to celebrate the launch of Dr. Flavia Frigeri's latest book, Women at Work: 1900 to Now , published...Read more -
Everlyn Nicodemus
AWITA Conference 2023 3 Jul 2023Everlyn Nicodemus has been invited to participate at the inaugural AWITA Conference, where female leaders in the corporate and cultural sectors will be sharing their...Read more -
Everlyn Nicodemus
Artist led tour | London 27 May 2022Join artist Everlyn Nicodemus for a walk-through of her first solo exhibition at the gallery . The exhibition marks Nicodemus' first solo show in London...Read more