Romany Eveleigh

Romany Eveleigh: Catalogue
Publisher: Richard Saltoun
Dimensions: 27 x 21 cm
Pages: 47
Sale £ 12.00 £ 15.00

This catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibition Romany Eveleigh: One Liners, curated by Flavia Frigeri, 9 May - 20 July 2024 at Richard Saltoun Gallery Rome.


The catalogue is accompanied by the text: 'Romany Eveleigh: One Liners' by curator and art historian, Flavia Frigeri.


British born Romany Eveleigh passing in 2020, while living in Rome, marks the end of the career of one of the rarest of artists: a minimal abstractionist who manage to bring together the two worlds of minimalist painting and the radical lesbian movement of Paris and Rome in the mid 70s. Championed by Barbara Rose, the famed American art historian, and by Michele Causse, the French writer who believed that the women's movement was sustained only by lesbians, Eveleigh stands out for her uncompromising minimal, text-based vocabulary.


This publication was designed by A Practice for Everyday Life. 

Printed in an edition of 500 copies.