PROMPTED BY The recent passing of renowned British art critic and curator Guy Brett, 'THE PIONEERS' IS A SERIES OF ONLINE SHOWS PAYING TRIBUTE to his ground-breaking research and work, as champion of the avant-garde and some of the most experimental art made in Latin America and the UK in the 1960s.
Launching the series is 'one of the great unsung intellects and playful creative spirits of twentieth-century Britain', Dom Sylvester Houédard, whose work Brett championed from the beginning of his career.
Dom Sylvester HOUEDARD
Sand Rock Tide, 1964Silkscreen on paper58.5 x 91.2 cm -
Olivetti Letter 22 typewriter, 1950, dom sylvester houedard Collection, © University of Manchester
Dom Sylvester HOUEDARD
langwid / hommage to Ronald Firbank (16th October 1967), 1967Laminated assemblage (recto-verso, offset text, glue, feather, metal gear)16.3 x 31.4 cm -
'Dom Sylvester Houedard's Typestracts are poems made with a typewriter. Their great visual beauty and delicacy makes you realise at once how little the typewriter as a machine has been put to imaginative use.'
- Guy Brett
Dom Sylvester HOUEDARD
langwid, 1967Celluloid transparency, proof20.4 x 20 cm -
'[He was] one of the great unsung intellects and playful creative spirits of twentieth-century Britain'.
- Guy Brett
Dom Sylvester HOUEDARD
urzeit 711211, 1971Ink typed on paper29.8 x 21 cm