Artiste e femminismo in Italia

Per una rilettura non egemone della Storia dell'arte
Paola Ugolini, 2022
soft-back 223 pages
Publisher: Christian Marinotti Edizioni
ISBN: 978-88-8273-187-8
Dimensions: 20.6 x 14 cm
The volume is the construction of a visual journey in which feminine art becomes not only an artistic project, but above all a political, social and gender one. Among the numerous paths that can be traced by geographical, temporal or stylistic proximity, the author selects a very significant group of female artists who have worked in Italy from the first half of the twentieth century to date and from whom emerge a series of aesthetic-political articulations that have made art a field for expressing social, urban, ecological and feminist aspirations that are as radical as they are today.

Artiste e femminismo in Italia: Per una rilettura non egemone della Storia dell'arte
£ 21.00