Caroline Wong
Hungry Woman 96, 2023Oil, oil pastel, pigment, and acrylic on canvas board25.5 x 20.5 cm -
"Initially when I started working on the series, I wanted to portray women that were completely unapologetic about putting their pleasure on display, and breaking out of societal constraints as a statement of empowerment.
But later on, the more complicated relationship to the visual culture of consumption and capitalism started occurring to me."
Caroline Wong
Hungry Woman series, 2020-2023Acrylic, oil and oil pastel on canvas25.5 x 35.5 cm
“The thing that keeps drawing me to this series and the subject matter is my love for playing around with colour and material , and the sensual nature of the process.
“I have a quite obsessive personality. I tend to stick with themes for a long time.”
Caroline Wong
Hungry Woman 34, 2023Oil, oil pastel, pigment, and acrylic on canvas board25.5 x 20.5 cm -
Portrait of the artist