“The Touching Series explores the symbiotic relationship between flora and the female form, using both positive and negative imagery to convey the nuances of growth and transformation. Hair, a natural and gendered aspect of human identity, serves as a catalyst for examining societal constructs of masculinity and femininity. The plants—named after women (নয়নতারা, জবা, কড়ি, অপরাজিতা, শিউলি, কলকি; Rose Periwinkle, Hibiscus, Albizia Procera, Butterfly Pea, Night-flowering Jasmine, Yellow Oleander)—symbolize the embodiment of femininity”.-Moumita Basak
“The Space Between series is a reference to door curtains, which for women in Bihar, India, are symbols of their active role in shaping their domestic environment, both in terms of physical space and social structure. These seemingly mundane yet powerful barriers serve as a visual metaphor for the boundaries between the public and private spheres”.
-Moumita Basak
The Veil, 2024
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Thumbprint, 2024
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